Thursday, 3 April 2014



WRFM Westport Radio 98.2 plans to hold a series of workshops on writing Radio Drama. The eventual goal of the course will be the production of a series of plays bringing local Radio Drama to the busy schedule at the station 

The workshops will be delivered by John Corless an acclaimed Mayo playwright, who amongst many other accolades is Director of this years Claremorris fringe festival of Drama

It is envisaged that John will facilitate a number of two and a half hour long workshops on writing Radio Drama. The initial phase will be probaly be four weeks in number. It is hoped that the drafts coming from this will be contemporary and will ideally have a local theme or some sort of local connection , but will also have universal appeal. 

The group will then break for three or four weeks when the writers will write up the first draft of their scripts. They will return with a follow up number of weekly sessions to finalise the scripts. John will then produce the plays when the project is at the recording and broadcasting stage

The project is well structured with help and facilitation from begining to end but it must be emphasised that those interested  be aware of the personal commitment involved and to ensure optimum facilitation the number of places on the workshop will be limited.

WRFM would now like you all  to express your interest in Drama on your local Radio by firstly getting in touch, closing date for those interested is April 11th  2014.  Call into the Station at the courtyard, just opposite the Clew Bay Hotel James Street, call us on 098 24000 or email the Station   From this initial pool of interest WRFM will organise an introductory evening meeting with John Corless to review the project in greater depth and to answer any queries from all the potential playwrights out there and finally formulate a starting date for this exciting new community initiative from WRFM.

Pictured left to right  Mick Kelly, Kate Mills, John Corless

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